How Klint increased Organic Conversions by 74% for SitPack within 3 months

How Klint increased Organic Conversions by 74% for SitPack within 3 months

SitPack was generating almost no organic traffic, until Klint came onboard to maximize their SEO opportunities.

Through website optimization and the right content strategy, SitPack’s reach skyrocketed, resulting in a 380% increase in keyword rankings and a 74% increase in organic conversions.

The Client

Sitpack is a Danish eCommerce startup that aims to disrupt the outdoor gear market. 

Their innovative selection of products includes a variety of light and portable outdoor equipment that unpack quickly, targeting commuters, campers, and festival-goers.

The products are all produced locally in Denmark but are shipped worldwide to a global audience, with major markets in both Asia and the USA.

The Challenge 

SitPack’s website wasn’t optimized for search engines, despite being a brand focused on eCommerce.

The brand was failing to put its product in front of shoppers searching for solutions through search engines. And low traffic meant fewer leads, conversions, and ultimately, purchases.

Via a comprehensive SEO strategy, Klint optimized SitPack’s website to generate sustainable organic traffic, securing page-one rankings for high-intent keywords in SitPack’s niche.

Here’s how we got there…

The Solution

Klint began with a complete SEO audit; website inspection, competitor benchmarking, assessment of current keyword profile, and extensive keyword research.

This analysis contributed to developing an SEO strategy that focused on:

  • Fixing technical-SEO issues with the website: load time, log time and UX design
  • Headline analysis and meta description fixes
  • High-intent keyword optimization across all pages (inc. product/blog pages)
  • Secondary-intent keyword optimization across all pages
  • SEO-content creation

Considering SitPack’s SEO profile, Klint chose to focus on keywords that demonstrated user search intent.

UX design emphasized allowing users to navigate the site seamlessly and allowing search engines to crawl the site effectively in terms of fast log and load time.

Klint also undertook Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) such as implementing relevant calls-to-action, high-converting headlines, internal linking structure and optimized metadata.

SitPack produces a unique product, so ascertaining the customer pain points SitPack solves made up the foundation of the content strategy. 

Finally, focusing on producing meaningful content for users who might need their products, Klint created long-form blog posts optimized for relevant keywords.

The Results

Klint’s strategy contributed to a significant increase in organic traffic and keyword rankings for SitPack, with the brand’s keyword profile continuing to rise organically following the project:

  • Number of ranking keywords increased from 560 to 1906 (380% increase)
  • Organic traffic increased by 295%
  • Organic conversions increased by 74%

As SitPack’s organic traffic grew, so did their organic conversions. Klint’s innovative approach to content marketing allowed Sitpack to generate warm traffic via their blog. Within 3 months, SitPack’s blog content:

  • Represented 64% of website traffic (traffic SitPack would have previously missed out on)
  • Ranked 2nd only to the homepage in terms of both keywords and traffic.

Many of the keywords captured by blog content were closely related to SitPack’s key product offering, with many placing SitPack content on the first page of Google for keywords that indicated purchase intent.

Generating keywords with high page-one rankings was critical in generating traffic, and the Click Through Rate (represented by Traffic as a percentage of Volume) is as high as 40% for these search terms, demonstrating a strong search-content match for SitPack. 

The industry average for Google CTRs is approximately 2%, highlighting the scale of this achievement.

What SitPack said

“Klint’s approach to generating organic traffic to our site was astonishing. We’d never have been able to achieve these results without Klint. We got highly interested people free-flowing to our site without any paid ads!”

-Jonas Lind-Bendixen, CEO of SitPack

Are you having trouble generating traffic to your website and can’t figure out how to fix it? Klint can help! 

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